Ntrights Utility Download


This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Network Monitor Capture Utility Nltest Domain Utility NTRights Utility Office 97 Unique Identifier Removal Tool OLE/COM Object Viewer Open Handles Open XML SDK Orca Outlook Express Outlook HTML Form Converter Page Fault Monitor Pandora's Box Path Manager Performance Data Block Dump Utility PerfVis NT Performance Tool PEX Phone Book Administrator. Although NTRIGHTS is a very handy utility, it can be confusing to use because of the unconventional way that the help file lists the syntax and because so many of the available rights were omitted. Ntrights.exe (Windows 2003 Resource Kit) The Window Server 2003 Resource Kit is a set of tools that system administrators and engineers use to manage or support a Windows Server 2003 system. Use it to streamline management tasks such as troubleshooting operating system issues, managing Active Directory, configuring networking and security.

NtrightsNtrights utility downloads

The Windows 2000 Resource Kits help IT professionals deploy, manage, and support Windows 2000 operating systems.

There are a number of Windows 2000 Resource Kit software tools available for free download from Microsoft. These tools are listed below, and can help you streamline administrative tasks such as managing Active Directory™, administering security features, working with Group Policy and Terminal Services, automating application deployment, and other important jobs.

Ntrights Utility Download

Overview of the Windows 2000 Resource Kit Utilities

Activeperl.exe - Active Perl More »
Adsizer.exe - Active Directory Sizer More »
Apimon.exe - API Monitor More »
Appsec.exe - Application Security More »
Associate.exe More »
Autoexnt.exe - AutoExNT Service More »
Browmon.exe - Browser Monitor More »
Browser Client Context Viewer More »
Cachemov.exe - Offline Files Cache Mover More »
Cconnect.exe - Con-Current Connection Limiter More »
Certificate Enrollment Module (Mscep.dll) More »
Chklnks.exe - Link Check Wizard More »
Ckymunge.dll - Cookie Munger More »
Cla.msc - Cybersafe Log Analyst More »
Clearmem.exe - Clear Memory More »
Clip.exe: Clip To Clipboard More »
Cliptray.exe - Clipboard Organizer More »
Clusrest.exe - Cluster Quorum Restore Utility More »
Cluster Verification Utility More »
Clustool.exe - Microsoft Cluster Tool More »
Cmdhere.inf - Command Prompt Here More »
Compress.exe - File Compression Utility More »
Copslpm.exe - Common Open Policy Service Local Policy Module More »
Counters.chm - Windows 2000 Performance Counters More »
Cpustres.exe - CPU Stress Utility More »
Creatfil.exe - Create File More »
Ctrlist.exe - Counter List More »
Cusrmgr.exe - Console User Manager More »
CyberSafe Log Analyst More »
Defptr.exe - Default Printer More »
Delprof.exe - User Profile Deletion Utility More »
Delrp.exe - Delete File and Reparse Points More »
Delsrv.exe - Unregister a Service More »
DH.exe - Display Heap More »
Dhcploc.exe - DHCP Server Locator Utility More »
Dhcpobjs.exe - DHCP Objects More »
Diskmap.exe More »
Diskpar.exe - Disk Alignment Tool More »
Diskuse.exe More »
Dmdiag.exe - Disk Manager Diagnostics More »
Dommon.exe - Domain Monitor More »
Drivers.exe - List Loaded Drivers More »
Drmapsrv.exe - Drive Share More »
Dsstore.exe - Directory Services Store More »
Dumpcfg.exe - Dump Config More »
Dumpel.exe - Dump Event Log More »
Dumpfsmos.cmd - Dump FSMO Roles More »
Dureg.exe - Registry Size Estimator More »
Efsinfo.exe - Encrypting File System Information More »
Elogdmp.exe - Event Log Query Tool More »
Empty.exe - Empty Working Set More »
Enumprop.exe - Enumerate Properties More »
Exctrlst.exe - Extensible Performance Counter List More »
Exetype.exe - Finding the Executable Type More »
Expand.exe - File Expansion Utility More »
Extract.exe - Extract Cabinet More »
Fcopy.exe - File Copy Utility for Microsoft Message Queuing More »
Filespy.exe - File Spy More »
Findgrp.exe - Find Group More »
Floplock.exe - Lock Floppy Disk Drives More »
Forfiles.exe More »
Freedisk.exe More »
Ftedit.exe - Fault Tolerance Registry Information Editor More »
Getmac.exe - GetMAC More »
Getsid.exe More »
Getsid.exe - Get Security ID More »
Gettype.exe - Get Type Version Information More »
Global.exe More »
Gp.chm - Windows 2000 Group Policy Reference More »
Gpolmig.exe - Group Policy Migration More »
Gpotool.exe - Group Policy Verification Tool More »
Gpresult.exe - Group Policy Results More »
Grpcpy.exe - Group Copy More »
Guid2obj.exe - GUID to Object More »
Heapmon.exe More »
Htmlfltr.exe - HTML Text Filter More »
Httpcmd.exe - Command-line HTTP client More »
Httpmon.exe - HTTP Monitoring Tool More »
Iasparse.exe - IAS Parse Tool More »
Ierk5.chm - Internet Explorer 5 Resource Kit More »
Ifilttst.exe - Ifilter Test Suite More »
Ifmember.exe More »
Iishostsvc.exe - IIS Host Helper Service More »
Installation Monitor More »
Instsrv.exe - Service Installer More »
Intfiltr.exe - Interrupt Filter More »
Inuse.exe - File-In-Use Replace Utility More »
Ipsecpol.exe - Internet Protocol Security Policies Tool More »
Javareg.exe - Java/COM Registration Utility More »
Kerbtray.exe - Kerberos Tray More »
Kernprof.exe - Kernel Profiler More »
Kix32.exe - KiXtart 95 More »
Klist.exe - Kerberos List More »
Leakyapp.exe More »
Linkd.exe More »
List.exe - Text Display and Search Tool More »
Local.exe More »
Logevent.exe - Event Logging Utility More »
Logoff.exe More »
Logtime.exe More »
Lsreport.exe - Terminal Services Licensing Reporter More »
Lsreport.exe - Terminal Services Licensing Reporter More »
Lsview.exe - Terminal Services License Server Viewer More »
Mcast.exe More »
Mcopy.exe More »
Metaedit.exe - Metabase Editor More »
Mibcc.exe - SNMP MIB Compiler More »
Msinfosetup.exe - Microsoft System Information Extensions More »
Mtfcheck.exe - Microsoft Tape Format Verification Tool More »
Netclip.exe - Clipboard Viewer More »
Netcons.exe - Net Connections More »
Netset.exe More »
Netsvc.exe - Command-line Service Controller More »
Nlmon.exe - NL Monitor More »
Now.exe More »
Ntimer.exe - Program Timer More »
Ntrights.exe More »
Oh.exe - Open Handles More »
Oidgen.exe - OID Generator More »
Oleview.exe - OLE/COM Object Viewer More »
Pathman.exe More »
Perfmon4.exe - Performance Monitor 4 More »
Perfmtr.exe - Performance Meter More »
Permcopy.exe More »
Perms.exe - File Access Permissions per User More »
Pfmon.exe - Page Fault Monitor More »
Playback.exe - Playback More »
Pstat.exe - Process and Thread Status More »
Ptree.exe - Process Tree More »
Pulist.exe More »
Qgrep.exe - Quick Grep More »
Qslice.exe - CPU Usage by Processes More »
Qtcp.exe More »
Quickres.exe - Quick Resolution Changer More »
Quiktray.exe - Quick Tray More »
Raslist.exe More »
Rassrvmon.exe - RAS Server Monitor More »
Rasusers.exe - Remote Access Users More »
Rcmd.exe, Rcmdsvc.exe - Remote Command Service More »
Rdpclip.exe - File Copy More »
Reducer.exe - Reduce Trace Data More »
Regback.exe - Registry Backup More »
Regdmp.exe More »
Regfind.exe More »
Regini.exe - Registry Change by Script More »
Regrest.exe - Registry Restoration More »
Remote Administration Scripts More »
Robocopy.exe - Robust File Copy Utility More »
RPC Ping - RPC Connectivity Verification Tool More »
Rpcdump.exe - RPC Dump More »
Rshsvc.exe - TCP/IP Remote Shell Service More »
Rsm_dbic.exe - Removable Storage Integrity Checker More »
Rsm_dbutil.exe - Removable Storage Database Utility More »
Rsmconfg.exe - Removable Storage Manual Configuration Wizard More »
Runext.exe - Run Extension More »
Sc.exe - Service Controller Tool More »
Scanreg.exe More »
Sclist.exe More »
Sendfile.exe - SendFile Test Suite More »
Setedit.exe - PerfMon Chart Setting Editor More »
Setspn.exe - Manipulate Service Principal Names for Accounts More »
Setupmgr.exe - Setup Manager More »
Setx.exe More »
Showacls.exe More »
Showgrps.exe More »
Showmbrs.exe More »
Showperf.exe - Performance Data Block Dump Utility More »
Showpriv.exe - Show Privilege More »
Shutdown.exe - Remote Shutdown More »
Sipanel.exe - Soft Input Panel More »
Sleep.exe - Batch File Wait More »
Snmpmon.exe - SNMP Monitor More »
Snmputil.exe - SNMP Browser More »
Soon.exe - Near-Future Command Scheduler More »
Srvany.exe - Applications as Services Utility More »
Srvcheck.exe More »
Srvinfo.exe More »
Srvinstw.exe - Service Installation Wizard More »
Srvmgr.exe - Server Manager More »
Su.exe More »
Subinacl.exe More »
Svcacls.exe - Service ACL Editor More »
Svcmon.exe - Service Monitoring Tool More »
Sysdiff.exe More »
Sysprep.exe More »
Takeown.exe More »
Tcmon.exe - Traffic Control Monitor More »
Tcmon.exe - Traffic Control Monitor More »
Terminal Server Capacity Planning Tools More »
Textview.exe - TextViewer More »
Timeout.exe More »
Timethis.exe - Time This More »
Timezone.exe - Daylight Saving Time Update Utility More »
Top.exe - Time-Ordered Processes More »
Totlproc.exe - Total Processors More »
Tpc.exe - Third-Party Quality of Service Control Agent More »
Tracedmp.exe - Trace Dump More »
Traceenable.exe - Trace Enable More »
Tracelog.exe - Trace Log More »
Tsreg.exe - Terminal Services Client Registry Editor More »
Tsver.exe - Terminal Services Version Limiter More »
Typeperf.exe - Performance Data in the Command Window More »
Tzedit.exe - Time Zone Editor More »
Tzedit.exe - Time Zone Editor More »
Uptime.exe More »
User State Migration Tool More »
Usrmgr.exe - User Manager for Domains More »
Usrstat.exe More »
Usrtogrp.exe - Add Users to a Group More »
Vadump.exe - Virtual Address Dump More »
Waitfor.exe More »
Where.exe - Where More »
Whoami.exe More »
Winschk.exe More »
Winscl.exe - WINS Administration Tool More »
Winsta.exe - WinStation Monitor More »
Wperf.exe - Perf Monitor More »
Xcacls.exe More »

By Mark Russinovich

Published: October 15, 2020

Download AccessChk(957 KB)
Run now from Sysinternals Live.


As a part of ensuring that they've created a secure environment Windowsadministrators often need to know what kind of accesses specific usersor groups have to resources including files, directories, Registry keys,global objects and Windows services. AccessChk quickly answers thesequestions with an intuitive interface and output.

Ntrights utility downloads


AccessChk is a console program. Copy AccessChk onto your executablepath. Typing 'accesschk' displays its usage syntax.

Using AccessChk

Usage: accesschk [-s][-e][-u][-r][-w][-n][-v]-[f<account>,...][[-a]|[-k]|[-p [-f] [-t]]|[-h][-o[-t <object type>]][-c]|[-d]] [[-l[-i]]|[username]] <file, directory, registry key, process,service, object>

Ntrights Utility Download

-aName is a Windows account right. Specify '*' as the name to show all rights assigned to a user. Note that when you specify a specific right, only groups and accounts directly assigned to the right are displayed.
-cName is a Windows Service, e.g. ssdpsrv. Specify '*' as the name to show all services and 'scmanager' to check the security of the Service Control Manager.
-dOnly process directories or top-level keys
-eOnly show explicitly set-Integrity Levels (Windows Vista and higher only)
-fIf following -p, shows full process token information including groups and privileges. Otherwise is a list of comma-separated accounts to filter from the output.
-hName is a file or printer share. Specify '*' as the name to show all shares.
-iIgnore objects with only inherited ACEs when dumping full access control lists.
-kName is a Registry key, e.g. hklmsoftware
-lShow full security descriptor. Add -i to ignore inherited ACEs.
-nShow only objects that have no access
-oName is an object in the Object Manager namespace (default is root). To view the contents of a directory, specify the name with a trailing backslash or add -s. Add -t and an object type (e.g. section) to see only objects of a specific type.
-pName is a process name or PID, e.g. cmd.exe (specify '*' as the name to show all processes). Add -f to show full process token information, including groups and privileges. Add -t to show threads.
-qOmit Banner
-rShow only objects that have read access
-tObject type filter, e.g. 'section'
-uSuppress errors
-vVerbose (includes Windows Vista Integrity Level)
-wShow only objects that have write access

If you specify a user or group name and path, AccessChk will report theeffective permissions for that account; otherwise it will show theeffective access for accounts referenced in the security descriptor.

By default, the path name is interpreted as a file system path (use the'pipe' prefix to specify a named pipe path). For each object,AccessChk prints R if the account has read access, W for write access,and nothing if it has neither. The -v switch has AccessChk dump thespecific accesses granted to an account.


The following command reports the accesses that the Power Users accounthas to files and directories in WindowsSystem32:

accesschk 'power users' c:windowssystem32

This command shows which Windows services members of the Users grouphave write access to:

accesschk users -cw *

To see what Registry keys under HKLMCurrentUser a specific account hasno access to:

accesschk -kns austinmruss hklmsoftware

Ntrights Command

To see the security on the HKLMSoftware key:

accesschk -k hklmsoftware

To see all files under UsersMark on Vista that have an explicitintegrity level:

Ntrights Utility Download Software

Ntrights utility download

Ntrights Utility Download Free

accesschk -e -s c:usersmark

To see all global objects that Everyone can modify:


accesschk -wuo everyone basednamedobjects

Ntrights Utility Downloads

Download AccessChk(957 KB)
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